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Built-in Resume Modules

TalenCat CV Maker provides a wide variety of built-in resume modules to maximize customization of your resume. This document will detail each of the built-in resume modules.

Basic Information

The Basic Information module in TalenCat CV Maker is a default module that cannot be removed. Users can use the Basic Information module to define their basic personal information, including: resume photo, resume title, name, email, personal homepage, contact information, location information, etc.

basic info module


The Self-Evaluation module is a brief summary of your past experiences. The Self-Evaluation module allows you to briefly introduce yourself and demonstrate your strengths and job fit to potential employers.

summary module

Tips for filling in the Self-Evaluation module: Be as concise as possible without taking up too much space on the resume. The content should preferably contain your own skills and strengths, highlight points that match the job you are applying for, and avoid meaningless adjectives. For example, when applying for a sales position: Has solid sales skills and extensive sales experience, good at developing markets and achieving sales targets. Earned customer trust with positive work attitude and highly efficient execution. Owns excellent negotiation and communication skills. Good at identifying customer needs and providing practical and effective solutions, focuses on establishing long-term stable customer relationships. Able to provide personalized sales services to customers by gaining an in-depth understanding of products and markets. Look forward to playing a synergistic role in the sales team and contributing to the company's performance.


The Profile module aims to help TalenCat users add social network profiles to their resumes. In today's highly digitized world, having powerful social profiles can help you stand out in your job search.

profile module

Education Information

The Education Information module allows users to customize their past educational experiences and qualifications.

education info module

Tips for filling in the Education Information module: Introduce the main courses you studied and any honors received during your school years. If you already have full-time work experience, you don't need to list courses. Simply state your university education and any further education after university. If you have just graduated or are about to graduate, you can appropriately fill in courses and experiences relevant to the desired position.

Internship Experience

If you don't have formal work experience yet, you can enhance the competitiveness of your resume by filling in your past internship experience in the Internship Experience module.

Internship module

Tips for filling in the Internship Experience module: Describe the scope of responsibilities, work content and work accomplishments of your previous internships. Start from your most recent internship. Ensure the content in this section is as concise as possible and matches the skills required for the position you are applying for. Use data as much as possible to prove your functional performance.

Work Experience

In the Work Experience module, you can explain your past work experience in detail, including companies, positions, start and end times, work achievements, etc., to demonstrate your personal abilities and match with potential job opportunities.

work experience module

Tips for filling in the Work Experience module: Describe the scope of responsibilities, work content and work accomplishments of your previous jobs. Start from your most recent job. Ensure the content in this section is as concise as possible and matches the skills required for the position you are applying for. Use data as much as possible to prove your functional performance.

Project Experience

In TalenCat CV Maker's Project Experience module, you can describe in detail the project experience you were responsible for or participated in during your previous work, studies or internships. Project experience can demonstrate your practical operational capabilities, teamwork abilities, learning and practice abilities as well as your professional knowledge and interests, so it is an extremely important part of your resume and also one of the key considerations for recruiters when reviewing resumes.

projects experience module

Tips for filling in the Project Experience module: Describe the work you did during the project, with concise and clear content, highlighting points relevant for applying for the desired position. You can specifically elaborate from the following aspects: 1. Project content 2. Work content 3. Project results


In the Skills module, you can introduce all the skills you have and the corresponding level of proficiency. You should focus on filling out skills that are highly relevant to the desired position to increase your chances of getting hired.

skills module


As globalization continues to rise, mastering multiple languages is very important in practical work. In the Languages module, explain in detail the languages you have mastered and your proficiency levels. This plays a huge role in enhancing your chances of getting hired.

language module


In the Awards module, state any awards you have previously won, especially awards relevant to the desired position, which can greatly prove your professionalism in that field.

Awards module

Tips for filling in the Awards module: Briefly describe the evaluation criteria and background behind your awards, as well as the efforts you made to win them. You can emphasize how the award relates to your skills and professionalism in a certain field to boost your competitiveness.


The Certificates module allows you to customize certificate information in your resume, including: certificate name, issuing institution, issue date, certificate summary, etc. Including certificate information in your resume proves your professional abilities.

certificates module

Tips for filling in the Certificates module: Briefly describe the capabilities and skills represented by this qualification to highlight the connection between these capabilities and the position you are applying for. You can emphasize how the certification relates to your skills and professionalism in a certain field to boost your competitiveness.


Your interests can be the intrinsic motivation for your work. Adding interests in your resume allows recruiters to judge your potential personality and fit with the role.

interests module


Similar to awards and certificates, publications, especially publications related to the desired position, can greatly prove your professionalism in that field.

publications module

Tips for filling in the Publications module: Briefly describe the key points of the paper or publication to demonstrate your academic and research abilities in a particular field. Note any co-authors. If the paper title is related to the position, emphasize this relevance.

Volunteer Experience

Volunteer experience can fully demonstrate a person's comprehensive qualities. The excellent qualities shown such as social awareness, sense of responsibility and adaptability will earn extra points in your job search. Use the Volunteer Experience module to explain your volunteer experience in detail in your resume, if applicable.

Volunteer module

Tips for filling in the Volunteer Experience module: Introduce your role and responsibilities in volunteer activities and your contributions. You can highlight skills gained and social responsibility demonstrated through your volunteer experiences.


The References module allows you to add basic reference information in your resume, including: name, description, personal homepage and other information. Providing references can prove the image and abilities of the applicant, reflect the applicant's network resources, and provide reliable third-party evaluations for recruiters. So filling in reference information helps make your resume more credible.

references module